Tuesday, 30 October 2012

How To Hack Facebook Accounts Through Phishing - Facebook Hacking

HELLO GUYZ..Today I'm gonna tell you the easiest way to facebook account hacking.
So, let's start...

FIRST we need: 
1. Download Super Phiser
2. Account on an free hosting site. such as ripway.com, t35.com, 110mb.com. (Account may be disabled after few logins.)

let's move on...

Now open the Super Phisher Software.
Follow the steps I'm doing.
Just type As I've typed in the picture.

After Hitting the Button: It'll create your fake page.

Now Goto your hosting account and upload the file created with the SUPER PHISHER.

And Now copy the link and distribute to your friends to login through this link.Tell in that way, they're gonna beleive you and login through this.

Whenever victim will enter their Email or Password and will hit Enter...Your job's done.
And a text file will be created in your hosting account.
Open it to view the Email & Password.

Hope It'll work...
Enjoy Hacking.

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